Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Moments That Made "Twin Peaks: The Return" A Masterpiece in My Eyes

Please Note: This article contain spoilers

Normally I won't talk about TV shows here on the site as I'm more of a film guy but David Lynch's "Twin Peaks: The Return " was something I felt like I need to share my favorite moments of the series because this was fantastic from start to finish. With a few days removed from the finale, I took some time to think about what were my favorite moments of this 18 part journey into Twin Peaks. Here are my favorite top 10 moments.

1. The Ending in Part 18. This will go down as one of the most shocking endings to a series or season ever. Very well executed from screenplay to screen as you're left wondering. I don’t think I’ll ever see anything like this again. It's one of those ending that you'll have in the back of your mind for a while as it was it had this OMG feel to it.

2. The Ending to Part 11. From the acting to the music, everything had that feeling of a magical moment which something you don’t see in many shows. It's a credit to Lynch, the cast and the show's composer Angelo Belemanti for making this scene feel special. This was also by far the best episode of the series as it contained some other great intense stuff as well.

3. Cooper awakening from Dougie in part 16. That was very well executed with the way Lynch directs that scene and something that was worth the wait.

4. The insanity known as Part 8. This is the episode where if you disdained it, you were jumping ship. I liked how David Lynch and the effects team makes sure that the images are striking enough to keep you looking. It was masterful. The whole thing from the Trinity Test and the white lodge imagery were done to perfection as it kept me glued to the screen. The episode also contains one of the most gruesome moments in the series where a woodsman kills the people in the radio station while delivering some chilling dialogue.

5. Shootout at Lancelot Court Part 16. This had a Tarantino feel to all of it. From the dialogue to the violence it made the scene fit within the context of the series. This wouldn’t work on any other shows.

6. The arm wrestling scene in part 13. This seems like a scene that would be a throwaway but the fact that it was Mr. C going up against Derek Mears aka the guy who played Jason in the Friday the 13th reboot made this special to those who know the horror genre very well. Hopefully I’ll get some insight to how he was casting especially when he only appears in part 13 when I see him at Rock and Shock in October.

7. Dougie Coop forgetting how to put a tie on and driving Janie E nuts in part 4. This was very funny scene and helped me be sold on the idea of Coop as Dougie. Also loved how Dave Brubeck’s Take Five was placed in the scene. It added some well needed dark humor.

8. Rebecka Del Rio’s performance of No Stars in part 10. The scene felt very dreamlike and dark at the same time. It’s a song that I still can’t get out of my head.

9. Cole uttering the words He’s Dead” after Hastings gets killed by a woodsman. This was one of those moments that made me laugh and scream at the TV because of the gruesome nature of the killing and everyone else knowing that Hasting has no head. Lynch and Frost know how to make the dark humor work so well as this added to the show off kilter tone.

10. Dougie Coop in action against Ike the Spike. Even though you knew that they would cross paths, I liked how you just see Ike the Spike come through the people in the plaza to sneak attack him. I liked how there was no scenes of him spying on Dougie. It gave that level of unpredictability because the beginning of the scene just focuses on Janey E talking to Dougie as they leave Lucky 7 insurance. The action sequence was also handled in a way that works well in the context of the Dougie Coop story.

Some quick thoughts on "Twin Peaks: The Return". This show/film (which it had that type of feel to and is what I consider this is considering its structure and look) should be known as David Lynch's grand masterpiece as this was amazing from start to finsih. For something like this to keep you're interest in a week to week basis considering the way I view TV nowadays as my viewing habits are basically shows on demand and binge watching is amazing. It's the only show in this recent era that made want to turn the TV on Sunday nights and watch it live. I hope the test of time will prove this be one of the greatest seasons on TV.

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