Saturday, August 29, 2015

Official Stills and Behind the Scene Photos from "Radioactive Flesh Eating Foliage"

Creepy Crawl Entertainment recently send the horror chamber stills and behind the scenes photos for their first feature film "Radioactive Flesh Eating Foliage". The upcoming film stars Rita Christine, Jesse L. Green, Mel Heflin, Steve Fiendish and Amber Kidwell.

The film will be making its debut screening on October 17th at the Four State Slasher Con taking place at the Bright Box Theater in Winchester, Va. The screening time is 7PM.

For more information on this film, you can visit the film's official Facebook page at:

Plot Synopsis:

On the mountains in Western Maryland a large chemical company has been dumping its waste in the woods. Now a strange thing has happened. The trees have been attacking hikers! The company sends in two mercenary convicts to deal with the problem, but things don't go well. The plot thickens as a college professor takes a group of students out onto the mountain to look for the elusive "goatman" that is believed to be responsible for the attacks. Along the way they meet a strange cast of characters and soon find that they are all now being hunted by the killer shrubbery. They have a particular taste for the lovely flesh of the ladies. Will any of them make it out alive or is mankind doomed to become food for the foliage!!!!


  1. We are taking preorders for Radioactive flesh eating foliage right now on our website:!shop--cart/c1dop

  2. We are taking preorders for Radioactive flesh eating foliage right now on our website:!shop--cart/c1dop
